Your Power in Middle Leadership: What Does it Take to Create Equity-Focused Change? 

Dates: Friday, September 8, 2023

Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Location: VIRTUAL

Registration is free for all CSU faculty, staff, and administrators.

Meet The Speakers

Your Power in Middle Leadership: What does it take to create equity-focused change? 

Over the past year, CSU Network participants have explored what it means to create equitable, student-ready campuses and how to use data to design and implement equity-focused reforms. Moving these plans forward requires change management skills.

Join us for a virtual conversation exploring how middle leaders can move reforms, even on campuses without complete buy-in and from positions of constrained authority. We’ll explore strategies used by other campuses in the CSU, as well as the types of decisions leaders make throughout the change process.

This is the third session in the From Evidence to Practice series.


Learning Outcomes

Equity. Examine strategies to implement equity-focused programs, interventions, and practices.

Knowledge. An understanding of the hidden curriculum related to the politics and processes around change management

Relationships. Understand how the change management process has played out among other campuses in the CSU. 


  • Participants will understand why change management matters in equity-focused reform efforts
  • Participants will learn strategies for engaging in change management approaches from their professional position
  • Participants will interrogate the interplay between senior and middle leadership when engaging in equity-focused institutional change
  • Participants will be able to make a plan to navigate the hidden curriculum related to the politics and processes around change management for their own campus issue

Who Should Attend?

Middle leaders who currently lead reform efforts, or who might in the future. These virtual conversations do not require a team.


Contact: Dylan Lohmeyer, Interim Operations Director