Equity in Action Grant Program
Equity in Action Grant
The Network’s Equity in Action Grant Program seeks to invest resources back into the system to identify, understand, and disrupt inequities, as well as focusing on opportunities for students to learn, engage, progress, and complete courses on time. The intention of this program is to draw faculty, staff, students, and middle level administrators to support innovative thinking, research, and evidence-based practices that lead to institutional change, which specifically address equity-related challenges.
The goals of the Equity in Action Grant Program included:
1) Supporting current efforts at CSU campuses to close equity gaps in student outcomes in cases where the funding can expand or improve such efforts;
2) Launching new efforts at CSU campuses to close equity gaps in student outcomes;
3) To generate a knowledge base of supported equity actions across the CSU and to allow for determinations as to which of these efforts are most effective or impactful; and
4) To learn about challenges in implementing equity actions across the CSU campuses via progress reports and final reports from funded activities.
Our target applicants are “middle leaders” in the CSU – faculty, staff, department chairs, directors, deans, students, and similar positions. This program will prioritize projects that are characterized by an action-research orientation that focuses on measurable “on the ground” activities already in process or that are ready for action soon after funding. These grants are not designed for purely research activities.